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A La Carte (8/20)

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Olasky vs Wallis – Denny Burk is covering an interesting story: “Marvin Olasky reports for World Magazine that Jim Wallis’ Sojourners group has been receiving funding from George Soros—the billionaire leftist who has financed groups promoting abortion, atheism, and same-sex marriage. Anyone who has paid any attention at all to Wallis’ leftward commitments shouldn’t be surprised that Soros might be interested in beefing up Sojourner’s bottom-line.”

Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. – I enjoyed this brief, illustrated guide to a Ph.D. (HT:TW)

The Clash of Civilizations – I think Ayaan Hirsi Ali gets a lot right in this article when she says “What do the controversies around the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, the eviction of American missionaries from Morocco earlier this year, the minaret ban in Switzerland last year, and the recent burka ban in France have in common? All four are framed in the Western media as issues of religious tolerance. But that is not their essence. Fundamentally, they are all symptoms of what the late Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington called the ‘Clash of Civilizations,’ particularly the clash between Islam and the West.”

How to Turn Off Facebook Places – Facebook Places is a new feature that allows you (or your friends) to track your current location. In some cases that is not a good thing. So if you’d like to disable it, here’s how.

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