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A La Carte (11/18)

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Forgiveness – Russell Moore writes about what forgiveness is and isn’t. “The most difficult math problem in the universe, it turns out, is 70 x 7. Perhaps the hardest thing to do in the Christian life is to forgive someone who has hurt you, often badly. But Jesus says the alternative to forgiving one’s enemies is hell.”

WallpaperNational Geographic has an amazing collection of wallpapers suitable for computers and mobile devices.

The iPod Generation – This isn’t good. “Are the iPod Generation Ruining Their Hearing For Good? Pardon? What you say? Apparently the ear-bud touting masses are ruining their hearing, one Justin Bieber song at a time. Because one in five Americans over the age of 12 have hearing loss in at least one ear.”

Fathoming Amazon – This infographic shows just what an immense and immensely powerful company Amazon has become. Did you know, for example, that Amazon’s warehouses have more square footage than 700 Madison Square Gardens?

The Face of Modern Slavery – This is just horrifying and very hard to take. But what do we actually do about it? What can we do? “When I write about human trafficking as a modern form of slavery, people sometimes tune out as their eyes glaze over. So, Glazed Eyes, meet Srey Pov.”

Mohler and Wallis – Al Mohler and Jim Wallis recently debated social justice. You can watch it here.

Nothing lies beyond the power of man if it is within the will of God.

—James Crowther

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