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A La Carte (8/5)

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An Insider’s Perspective On Egypt – Ramez Atallah serves as general director of the Bible Society of Egypt and vice chair of the Lausanne Movement. He gives us an insider’s perspective on some of what is happening in Egypt and how the media may not be portraying it fairly.

Surveillance: The Enemy of Innovation – I almost always enjoy Jean-Louis Gasee’s once-weekly blog posts on technology. This week he rounds up some of the recent news about government surveillance and teases out some of the implications.

Not That Awesome – Jonathan Parnell goes to Pascal to learn that you may be awesome, but you’re not that awesome.

National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest – There are some spectacular photos among the winners of National Geographic’s 2013 Traveler Photo Contest.

When Liberian Soldiers Grow Up – This is a long and sad article on what happens when former child soldiers grow up. “Mary was 13 when she joined up on the side of the pro-Taylor government militias, and her scars tell the story of a girl who saw close combat. A bullet grazed her right knee during a fierce battle in northeastern Liberia near the border with Guinea. Puckered skin between her shoulders bears witness to a bullet that came dangerously close to her spine. And then there are the self-made markings of war: crude, roughly drawn tattoos that serve as totemic reminders of her deeds.”

We should begin to pray before we kneel down and we should not cease when we rise up.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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