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A La Carte (8/8)

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From Strangers to Missionaries – You may be interested in reading Tim Brister’s reflections on reaching his neighborhood.

The Airline Peanut – “When it comes to serving food on board, airlines can’t seem to win: whatever they serve is criticized for its quality, but if they cut back, they hear about that, too. The life of the airline peanut – after decades, barely hanging on to its role as the prototypical on-board snack – is representative of airline food’s career, both triumphs and struggles.”

Protect from Busyness – Here is a helpful list of six ways Christians can protect each other from busyness.

The Invention of Teenagers – LIFE goes back to its archives to trace the rise of the teenager. “Historians and social critics differ on the specifics of the timeline, but most cultural observers agree that the strange and fascinating creature known as the American teenager — as we now understand the species — came into being sometime in the early 1940s.”

The Problem with the Childfree Life – Kathleen Nielson: “Time magazine has stirred up the social pot again, with its recent cover picturing a couple clearly reveling in ‘The Childfree Life.’ In her cover article Lauren Sandler offers a vivid glimpse into the fast-growing world of women ‘having it all without having children.’ She not only lets us see the statistics; she also lets us hear the voices of the women they document.”

Engaging Japan with the Gospel – You should check out Ligonier’s interview with Michael Oh on gospel advance in Japan.

Obedience rendered without delight in rendering it is only half obedience.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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