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A La Carte (9/12)

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Large Hadron Collider webcam
Here are two LHC Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment Webcams. Just keep watching for a couple of minutes.

A Scientific and Biblical Expose’ of Climate Change
Global Warming: A Scientific and Biblical Expose’ of Climate Change from Answers in Genesis looks like it may be a good take on global warming and climate change.

Death to Apostates
The Iranian Parliament voted in favor of a bill Tuesday that would punish apostasy with the death penalty, a human rights group reported… The draft bill seeks to add several crimes to the list of acts that would result in execution, including “establishing weblogs and sites promoting corruption, prostitution, and apostasy.”

Barring Yahweh
An article at CT describes how Catholics and many Protestants are removing the word “Yahweh” from their vocabulary. “Whether or not there are Jewish brothers and sisters in earshot, the most obvious reason to avoid using the proper and more personal name of God in the Old Testament is simply respect for God.”

Ghostwriter Town
Joe Carter takes on the subject of Ghost writing. “If you are using someone else’s words and claiming them as your own then you are deceiving your audience. It’s that simple. But in Washington, excuses are constantly made to rationalize this behavior.”

Getting the Blues
This looks like a uniquely interesting new book from the always-busy pen of Stephen Nichols.

The Randomness of Life
This is a hilarious news story from The Onion.

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