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A La Carte (9/21)

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There was a time in my life that I played a lot of computer games, but hen real life came along and I found that I just didn’t have time or interest anymore. Sid Meier’s Civilization was my favorite childhood game and it’s the only one I’ve kept up with over the years. Today marks the release of the next iteration of the franchise. I’ve got no firm plans, but I may just have to splurge and buy the new Civilization 5, you know, just for old time’s sake.

Ask Randy – Inspired by Desiring God’s “Ask Pastor John” sessions, Randy Alcorn is soliciting questions that he can answer in an online Q&A format. You can submit your questions at the link.

Pro-Choice Irrationality – Denny Burk writes about the rather shocking irrationality of some of those who hold the pro-choice position on abortion.

Auld Reekie Reeks No More – John Ross laments the welcome the pope has received during his recent visit to the UK. And in particular he laments the excitement in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Way We Live Now – This is an interesting article from the NY Times in which a homeschool dad (I don’t think he’s necessarily a Christian homeschooler) reflects on technology based on the homeschool experience. Here is just one of the lessons: “Technologies improve so fast you should postpone getting anything you need until the last second. Get comfortable with the fact that anything you buy is already obsolete.” (HT:JD)

Deciding Not to Screen for Down Syndrome – Another article from the NY Times. This one provides a mother’s perspective on why she decided not to do advance screening to find out whether her unborn child had Down Syndrome. This article is well worth reading! “The way these tests are administered, the way information is provided to women and the way our culture talks about and conceives of individuals with chromosomal abnormalities contribute to my concern that prenatal testing more often serves to devalue all human life and to offer parents and doctors an illusion of control.” (HT:Z)

Is There a Plan B For My Life? – In this short video Winston Smith deals with the subtle danger of believing that we can be relegated to a plan B kind of life.

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