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A La Carte (9/22)

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Yesterday Aileen and I went to the funeral of our young neighbor. It was at a United Church, a Canadian denomination that has long since abandoned the truth. One of the song selections was “Amazing Grace” and this was the first time I’ve seen a hymn book with the alternate lyric “that saved and strengthened me” in place of “that saved a wretch like me.” Yet everyone knew the song by heart, I suppose, because everyone sang of their own wretchedness.

Listen Up! – This excellent little book is available, only for the next 48 hours, at $1 per copy through Westminster Books. It’s a great one to buy by the box and hand out at church. Mark Dever gives this book to every new member of his church as a way of helping them learn how to benefit from the sermons they hear.

Witnessing to Witnesses – My buddy Ian has put together a wrap-up of a series of posts directed as witnesses to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ian says “Most work that I’ve read about the Watchtower Society have been from the outside looking in, so Matt’s perspective has been refreshing and unique. In them he deals with the history of the Society, their failed prophecies, their unique theological perspectives and their teachings about the gospel. Matt also gives some practical application for how to press home the truth-claims of the biblical gospel to the Jehovah’s Witnesses we encounter.”

Spiritual Dehydration – CJ Mahaney writes about the causes, symptoms and treatment of spiritual dehydration.

Mecca Diaries – I found this an interesting video; it simply gives an insider’s view of what happens when Muslims make their pilgrimage to Mecca. It is a sympathetic view of the journey, but quite an interesting one.

World’s Scariest Job – “World’s scariest job” may be slightly overstating it, but this would be far too terrifying for me.

All the compasions of all the tender fathers in the world compared with the tender mercies of God would be but as a candle to the sun or a drop to the ocean.

—Matthew Henry

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