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A La Carte (9/3)

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Sometimes people ask me what A La Carte really is. The truth is pretty simple: it’s a round-up of things I noticed the day before (or sometimes that morning). It represents those few things that caught my eye as I went about my day. Sometimes they are profound things, sometimes they are funny things and sometimes they are just noteworthy for some other reason; occasionally they’re none of the above. All that binds them together is their ability to make me notice them. And here’s what I noticed yesterday:

Al Mohler’s Podcasts – As you know, Dr. Mohler recently discontinued his radio program. However, he will soon be back with not one, but two podcasts. The Briefing will “present a daily report of the important theological, cultural and ethical issues facing Christians in the 21st century.” Thinking in Public will be “an interview forum for intelligent conversation about frontline theological and cultural issues.” If you are an iTunes user, here are the iTunes links for Thinking in Public and The Briefing. It all begins next week.

How Amy Saved the Day – This post reminds me why I love to read Amy Scott’s blog. It’s just another bizarre snippet from her always-bizarre life.

Friending Old Flames – I think this is the kind of question Christians should be asking as they migrate to the digital world: Is it wise to “friend” old flames on Facebook?

Busyness Replaces Spirituality – Dave Kraft, author of Leaders Who Last: “Through the years I have come to some general conclusions about people, ministry, and leaders. One of them is that most people, in general, and leaders, in particular, try to do too much and work too many hours.”

Lord Jesus, Comfort Me – A new video for a new-old hymn from Matthew Smith:

Oh, but this word eternity, eternity, eternity; this word everlasting, everlasting, everlasting; this word forever, forever, forever, will even break the hearts of the damned in ten thousand pieces…Impenitent sinners in Hell shall have end without end, death without death, night without day, mourning without mirth, sorrow without solace, and bondage without liberty. The damned shall live as long in Hell as God himself shall live in heaven.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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