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A La Carte (August 11)


I dug up a few Kindle deals for you today, with most of them related to parenting.

(Yesterday at the blog I wrote about Christian “experts” on marriage and parenting who may have all the knowledge they need, but who lack the key trait of humility. You can read it here: He (and They) Must Not Be a Novice.)

Jesus Christ vs Christ Jesus

Both terms are used in the Bible. Is there a difference between them?

The Saddest Plate Appearance of All Time (Video)

Sports fans will enjoy watching this account of the saddest plate appearance of all time.

Do You Regret Your Dating History?

A majority of Christians regret their dating history. “Nearly two thirds of not-yet-married Christians express regret over previous relationships. That means the critical questions in dating are not just whom to date, how to date, and when to wed, but what to do when we get it wrong. And the reality is most of us get it wrong at some point along the way.” But, then again, what do we do in life that is free from regret in retrospect? Why would dating be any different?

Throwing an Elephant from a Skyscraper (Video)

There’s lots of interest in this video. Equally interesting is how they attribute so much to evolution, but continually personalize evolution, ascribing to it design and engineering.

Identifying Elders And Deacons

Nick Batzig tells how to identify and approve elders and deacons who are qualified to their ministries.

On Knowing When to Resign

D.A. Carson offers wisdom to pastors on when they can or should resign.

Worship as a Feast

“Worshipers, let’s come hungry, expectant, and in need of the presence of God as can only happen when we come to the table ready to eat. When we come and say ‘entertain me,’ we don’t come hungry. When we come hungry it means that we’ve spent the preceding week running hard after God so that when we gather with others who have been doing the same, we sit down at the table together, and we feast.”

Flashback: An Introverted Christian

I don’t want to allow introversion to define me or to dictate my behavior. Introversion is a useful description, but a poor definition.

Many of us in our praying are like nasty little boys who ring the front door bells and run away before anyone answers.

—D.A. Carson

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