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A La Carte (August 2)


May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty significant list of titles worth a look.

The Hidden Glory of the Unengaged

This article encourages us to look for and celebrate the hidden glory of those who have not yet been engaged with the gospel. “We live in an age when the Church of Christ continues to advance steadily, bringing gospel light to even the hardest-to-reach people groups on the planet – although thousands of these groups still await the coming of their very first ambassador. These groups are the unengaged, the people for whom there is not yet even a single team committed to church planting among them.”

You Don’t Have to Choose between the Head and the Heart

Greg Koukl: “The head or the heart? The mind or the emotions? The will or the affections? Often, we’re tempted to think of these as opposite ends of the spectrum—we can either be filled with information or be ‘filled with the Spirit’ (understood here in an emotional sense)—and apologetics types are stuck on the wrong side.”

Has Jesus Offended You?

Forrest McPhail considers the offensive nature of the message of the Christian faith.

What Makes a Person Valuable?

What is it that makes a person valuable? And how does this differ from the messaging of the society around us?

Partnering Together: A Practical Guide

This article at 9Marks considers how churches can and should relate to one another. “I fear many denominations have lost sight of the forest for the trees—they’ve so emphatically focused on cooperation for mission that they’ve neglected other important and biblical aspects that define how independent churches relate to each other.”

Your Husband Will Be Perfect: How to Love a Flawed Man

“If the gospel can accomplish these feats, it can surely transform ordinary men into husbands who love their wives as Christ loved the church, and it can surely transform ordinary women into wives who respect and submit to their husbands’ leadership. But this transformation is not automatic, and it does not happen overnight.”

Flashback: A Picture of Perfect Rest

The rest God promises and the rest we enjoy comes amid the battle, not outside of it, during the race, not only after we have resigned. It is a rest that comes amid the turmoil, that flows when circumstances are dire, that rises up when hearts sink low.

Walk with God and you cannot mistake the road; you have infallible wisdom to direct you, permanent love to comfort you, and eternal power to defend you.

—Charles Spurgeon

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