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A La Carte (August 1)


Good morning from home sweet home. I enjoyed my trip to Australia, Thailand, and South Korea and am excited to eventually share the results in Worship Round the World. But in the meantime, I’m glad to be back where I belong.

(Yesterday on the blog: Give Me a Faith Like His!)

Ambassadors for Marriage

Rebekah explains why Christians ought to be the foremost ambassadors for marriage. And it often comes down to the way we speak about our own marriages.

When the Darkness of Suffering Seems too Thick to Cross

“The sun may slant golden beams across our floor, but in the midst of suffering, all feels like night to us. We wander around as those caught in a fog, stumbling through an unrelenting darkness. We want the light, we want to trust that the light will return, but it feels as if it will never brighten our faces again. Our hearts feel heavy, our head is muddled, and aches and pain we can’t explain keep pestering us. This is suffering.”

The Requisite of Discipleship

Justin Honaker tells of a successful discipleship program.

What It Feels Like

Wes shares candidly about his battle with clinical depression.

Can I Still Have Joy in Seasons of Doubt?

Is it possible to experience joy even in seasons of doubt? John Piper takes on this question.

River of life

Susan reflects poetically on words of life and the river of life.

Flashback: Cast Your Burden Upon the Lord

When we are heavily burdened we are to take one specific action: cast. We are to throw or hurl or toss our burdens upon the Lord. We are to bring them to his attention and to plead with him for his help.

God’s salvation does not come in response to a changed life. A changed life comes in response to the salvation, offered as a free gift.

—Tim Keller

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