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A La Carte (August 23)


Today’s Kindle deals include a list of contemporary books from Zondervan plus a collection of spiritual classics from Moody.

Westminster Books is offering a deal on a new book by David Powlison. It deals with an urgent and important topic.

(Yesterday at the blog I offered One Way To Make Sure You’re Preaching a Sermon, Not Leading a Bible Study.)

Do You Love God’s Law?

Sinclair Ferguson: “At a PGA Tour tournament in October 2015, Ben Crane disqualified himself after completing his second round. He did so at considerable financial cost. No matter—Crane believed the personal cost of not doing it would be greater (encouraged by a devotional article he had read that morning by Davis Love III, the distinguished former Ryder Cup captain).”

What Good Can a Heretic Bring?

In a strange way, the church ultimately benefits from heretics (at least when the church responds properly to their heresy). “Downgrade, as Spurgeon called it, is an insidious assault by the enemy, but like all the enemy’s work God will use it for good. In what follow I list five benefits of heresy. I’m sure there are more. But here are five.”

Throwing It Away

This story about Ken Pagan (who achieved notoriety for a particularly stupid drunken act) offers all kinds of warnings.

What “One Little Word” Will Fell Satan?

Have you ever wondered this when singing “A Mighty Fortress?”

Marriage is as One Long Conversation

“The cusp of our friendship was on deep conversation, leading to dates full of long, easy talks, quiet pauses, intentional listening, and slow responses. This was the long conversation of marriage I wanted, I could see that clearly from our first date.”

How Far Does $1 Million Go in Retirement?

$1 million is said to be the retirement benchmark. Here’s how far that money will go.

The Book He Wasn’t Supposed to Write

There’s a bit of bad language in this article. But there are also some profound insights that will be helpful to writers.

Flashback: 9 Parenting Truths from John Piper

John Piper addressed the question, Does Proverbs Promise My Child Will Not Stray? As you might have guessed, the question was based on Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” He ended the episode by sharing 9 truths for parents to remember and follow.

God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.

—Hudson Taylor

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