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A La Carte (August 28)


Today’s Kindle deals include some “can’t go wrong” choices from Crossway.

From the Flooded Grounds of Houston

Pastor J.A. Medders checks in from the flooded grounds of Houston. “While the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) anticipates years of relief work, the church of the risen Lord Jesus is ready for her work, too.”

John MacArthur on Charlottesville

John MacArthur was asked about the recent situation in Charlottesville at a Q&A. There’s a lot to appreciate in his answer.

J.P. Morgan’s Hate List

“Corporate America will do almost anything to stay on the safe side of public opinion—at least as it’s defined by the media. CEOs will apologize, grovel, resign, settle. They will even, as of this month, legitimize and fund an outfit that exists to smear conservatives.”

Can Coloring Books Be Done to God’s Glory?

Randy Alcorn announces a new coloring book and tells why he believes coloring is a legitimate hobby. (Here’s my view: On Christian Coloring Books and Meaningful Hobbies)

Lift the Heavy Burden of Shame

“A child, whether adolescent or adult, is living out their worst nightmare by charting a course away from God. They may be a people-pleasing prodigal, whose good appearance masks a godless heart, or a protesting prodigal, who blithely flips the bird to expectations and feels victimized by every consequence. Yet there is one common denominator that unites most of their parents: as Christians, they bear a unique burden of shame.”

Six Situations That Aren’t Signs That Your Child Isn’t Saved

“So let’s say you have a son or daughter who understands, believes and loves the gospel. You see real spiritual fruit and sanctification in their life and you feel they are walking with Christ. But there is something going on in their life that makes you doubt their salvation. Here is a list of real life situations that shouldn’t.”

Declining Interest In History Hits Museums Like Colonial Williamsburg Hard

The bottom line: “Colonial Williamsburg’s financial state is not entirely the fault of changing tastes, but it’s hard to deny they have exacerbated the problem. Ameliorating the debt issue requires getting people to visit, but the data paint a pretty clear picture: People just don’t seem to care about history.”

Flashback: A Drop in the Bucket

English is an endlessly fascinating language loaded with vivid idioms, phrases that have a meaning that cannot be easily deduced from its words. ‘A drop in the bucket’ is just one of them. Last year I did a series on a number of idioms that, like this one, originate in the Bible—the King James Bible in particular.

The true test of a man’s spirituality is not his ability to speak, as we are apt to think, but rather his ability to bridle his tongue.

—Kent Hughes

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