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A La Carte (August 30)


Good morning. May grace and peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of excellent resources from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for the Dying Day)

The Wife Who Sailed with Adoniram Judson

Sharon James: “Ann’s determination to serve Christ shone, undimmed, to the end. What fueled her resolve? To answer that question, we have to go back to her profound conversion, which resulted in a passionate concern for God’s glory and a powerful certainty in God’s promises.”

British vs American vs Canadian

While admitting that I’m perhaps a bit too easily impressed with videos like this, I really enjoyed this look at the differences between British, American, and Canadian English. (And yes, our milk does come in a bag.)

What Do I Do With “Wasted Years?”

This article grapples with what to do with stretches of time that seem as if they’ve been wasted.

Don’t Forget the Hope

Barbara Harper says “this post isn’t primarily about modesty. It’s about remembering to share hope with our children, students, readers, those whom we’re discipling. Sometimes we’re so passionate about whatever we’re warning against that we forget to offer the hope that God extends to His people.”

When You Can’t Gather: Help and Hope for Those Worshiping from Home

Kathryn Butler reminds us that “not all disciples who worship can gather. As we lift our voices in thanksgiving each Sunday, we mustn’t forget our brothers and sisters whose seats remain empty. Some of them are immunocompromised, and at high risk for COVID-19 despite vaccination. Others suffered from crippling conditions long before the coronavirus became a household word. In all cases, disciples among us find themselves cut off from the body of Christ, just as they’re enduring trials when they most need God’s life-giving Word.”

It’s Just Semantics; It Really Is!

This article compares quite a list of definitions of “biblical counseling.”

Discipleship Is a Type of Suffering

“I feel the costliness of trying to disciple others and trying to raise up local leaders. I feel it keenly.” As this article points out, discipleship can be a form of suffering.

Flashback: Why We Must Emphasize A Pastor’s Character Over His Skill

When it comes to pastors, God looks past men of great talent or achievement to call men of character. We must do the same.

Every prayer is a rebuttal to the “look within” logic of our age. To pray is to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers in ourselves. We don’t have sufficient wisdom to make complex decisions.

—Brett McCracken

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