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A La Carte (August 9)


Today’s Kindle deals include : All 3 available gospel commentaries in the excellent ZECNT series: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Also consider Romans by R.C. Sproul, Beating the College Debt by Alex Chediak. Check them out here.

Southern Seminary’s Skeleton In The Closet

Here’s an article about a mummy that “arrived on the doorstep of Louisville’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where it was — for the better part of 120 years — a literal skeleton in the closet.”

Awkward People

“There was this one time during my freshman year when I invited my friend Rebecca and her non-Christian friend to have lunch with me. When she and her friend sat down, I panicked, fearing they might think I was coming on to them. I decided to clear things up.” Awkward!

I Am Not…

“I feel like if I were to again label myself as “gay”, I would be embracing the idea that my [broken] sexuality is a defining mark of who I am as a person. And I don’t want to operate in a mentality in which my sexual desires have identity-shaping power in my life.”

Video Games As Scapegoat

Ouch. “Is it sad when a Millennial man finds his life’s purpose in video games? Sure. But let’s stop pretending that’s more pathetic than a 50-year-old man who finds life’s purpose in his work.”

Why We Project Our Scripture Readings

I like the way Jamie Brown thinks through this issue.

Memorial Service

How do you conduct a memorial service for an entire family? Bethlehem Baptist released the video of the service for Jamison & Kathryne, Ezra, Violet, and Calvin Pals.

This Day in 1788. 228 years ago today, Adoniram Judson was born. He spent 38 years as a missionary in Burma and translated the Bible in Burmese by 1834. *

A Badminton Rant

You’ve got to watch this one a little bit to see it transform into a pretty good bit of comedy.

Flashback: Why Satan Is So Skilled at Tempting Us

Satan is a formidable foe. He opposes all those who are created in the image of God and is bent on their complete and utter destruction. What makes Satan so skillful at tempting us to sin?


The man who only repents of this and that glaring offence, has not repented of sin at all.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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