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A La Carte (December 15)

Just Another Day in America

Here’s a fascinating article on modern news media. Looking at recent televised tragedies, Arthur Hunt says news has become “daily theater, which must be enhanced by a sense of urgency and crisis.”

Writing for an Audience of One

Yes to this! I post a lot online, but there is at least as much that I write and erase. I think all writers do this.

When You Unchain the Earth from the Sun

Here’s Carl Trueman doing what he does so well: “When you decide that categories of identity are merely psychological and that reality is constituted by language, you consequently have neither the right nor the ability to call a halt to the Promethean process which you have unleashed just because some of the results prove to be distasteful to you and unhelpful to your political cause.”

I Am What I’ve Been Through

I found this a moving article. In the midst of cancer treatments she asks, “What can I do now for God’s glory because of my suffering that I was unable to do before my suffering?”

This Day in 1418. 597 years ago today, “English pre-Reformer John Oldcastle is burned alive for his efforts to preserve and promote the cause of the Lollards (preachers who spread John Wycliffe’s views). Shakespeare reportedly based his character Falstaff on Oldcastle.” *

I Am Called a Cult Leader. I Really Don’t Care

Christianity Today has a well-written article about a very strange (and ugly) situation. It tells “how one of the world’s most beloved worship songs reportedly helped to fuel spiritual abuse at Wayne Jolley’s The Gathering International.”

How Does Anesthesia Work?

When under anesthesia, you can’t move, form memories, or — hopefully — feel pain. And while it might just seem like you are asleep for that time, you actually aren’t. What’s going on?

ACU 108

If you plan to do some year-end giving, Africa Christian University may be a worthy recipient. They are trying to raise $108,000 in 108 hours.


If you love deeply, you’re going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it.

—C.S. Lewis

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