Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
Today’s Kindle deals include several books that are just right for the season along with a few commentaries.
(Yesterday on the blog: Undermining the Bible)
Have You Lost the Ability to Think Deeply?
“While entertainment isn’t sinful, we need to ask ourselves if it’s affecting our spiritual growth. Jesus commands us in Mark 12:30, ‘Love the Lord your God . . . with all your mind’—our minds are connected to our affections. When we limit mindless entertainment and replace it with deeper content and conversations, our relationship with God and others will benefit.”
Does God Command Me to Trust My Spouse?
There are many ways God tells us to behave toward our spouse. But does he command us to trust them?
Helpful Hacks for Preaching from a Manuscript
This is neither advocating for preaching from a manuscript nor condemning it. It’s simply offering instruction on doing it well.
Thoughts on Suicide
Nathan Eshelman is thinking about the subject of suicide and considering it from a biblical perspective. “Suicide has been a thing in my life. By thing, I mean that it has deeply affected who I am as a person. I think about suicide often—not meaning that I want to take my own life, because I don’t. I think about suicide because it has been a part of my life through the death of people around me.”
More Than a Feeling: Be Ruled by Peace
“I recently saw a compilation video of mama birds spreading their wings over their little ones during rain storms. Huddled together, tiny birds peeked out their heads, catching raindrops before quickly ducking back under the protection and warmth of their mothers’ wings. They knew they were safe there. God uses this exact illustration to describe His protection of us.”
God Is NOT In a “Good Mood” (Video)
On the STR YouTube Channel, Greg and Amy talk about God’s “moods.”
Flashback: You Don’t Need a Date Night
It has been my experience that the more we enjoy those ordinary moments and the more we find satisfaction and significance in them, the less we need or even desire those extraordinary occasions.