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A La Carte (December 19)

A La Carte Collection cover image

The God of love and peace be with you today.

Newsletter subscribers, I apologize for the second email this morning. It’s my fault!

There are a few new Kindle deals today for the collectors.

(Yesterday on the blog: 32 Random Thoughts About the Local Church)

God With Us on the Escalator

This is such a sweet article about an incredible moment.

Not Neurotypical: A Love Story

This is another sweet and encouraging read. “With my firstborn, I learned that my child was not a problem to be solved or fixed, but a person to be loved and understood as God made him. I came to believe in my heart that this child was given to us for a reason—because God knew that we were exactly the parents and the family that he needed.”

Decapitating the Serpent

“Earlier this month, a man named Michael Cassidy allegedly tore down and beheaded a statue erected by the Satanic Temple in the Iowa state capitol. He reportedly took this action because ‘it was extremely anti-Christian.’” Robb Brunansky considers whether Christians should applaud this action.

I Am Not Perfect, but I Will Not Lie About God

There is a really solid admonition at the heart of this piece by Jacob Crouch. “I want to be honest about my sin and shortcomings, but I also want to be honest about my God. He has not left me or forsaken me. He is accomplishing all that He has promised.”

What Are Angels, and How Should Christians Think About Them?

“You have probably seen pictures, movies, or cartoons portraying angels, but it’s likely that none of them portrayed angels in any way close to what they are actually like! What does the Bible say?” Jon Nielson answers well.

Embarrassed of My Embarrassment

Kraig transparently expresses embarrassment over his former embarrassment (which you may well identify with).

Flashback: A Church with Great Music

I am convinced that the best measure of a church’s music is not what takes place on the stage, but what takes place in the pews. It is not so much the sounds and sights of a band leading, but the sounds and sights of a congregation worshipping. 

The gospel isn’t a summons to work harder to reach God, it’s the story of how God sovereignly worked all things together to reach you.

—Burk Parsons

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