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A La Carte (December 23)


There isn’t too much to report on the Kindle deal front today (unless you want to grab The Hiding Place or Lord of the Rings). I’ll keep an eye on things over the next few days and update accordingly.

Growing Red Bell Pepper From Seed Time Lapse (Video)

There is something strangely satisfying about watching this cycle from seed to plant.

Concluding Corona Comments

“Inevitably, a lot of posts on Think this year have been connected to Covid-19 and it seems certain that 2021, at least at first, will also be dominated by the coronavirus. So as we end one virus-shaped year and prepare for another here are three reflections on what we have learned.” They’re interesting reflections…

A Christmas Long, Long Ago

I appreciated this article on the joy of traditions—and especially Christmas traditions.

Praising God in the Darkness

“The middle of the night has been an unexpected friend as of late. Lying awake in the thick of the darkness has presented itself as a time to pray and to make my petitions known to God for loved ones and to cast my cares upon the Lord. These past few years have had their share of both testing and blessing, and the tests have not only been at my doorstep, but they have taught me more about drawing close to God and trusting His ways than anything else ever could.”

Let There Be Light

This is a sweet and encouraging poem that celebrates light breaking into darkness (especially in 2020).

Do We Have the Exact Words of Christ, or a Paraphrase?

This question, which John Piper answers here, gets to some exceedingly important issues. “Article after article that I read, and book after book, began and was pervaded by the words probably and perhaps. And yet they tended, at the end of the article, at the end of the book, to move toward what were called the assured results of critical studies. And I could never see a clear path. How did you get from all those probablys and all those perhapses to this so-called ‘assured results of scholarship’? It all looked like historical guesswork to me. And to my mind, they were not at all assured because they were built on guesses over and over and over again. That’s what gave them the appearance of scholarship.”

Of Sabbath Sticks and Stones

Barry York: “Like traveling down a highway on a vacation trip, only to come upon a grisly accident, reading through the Scriptures can have a jarring impact upon you at times. A short passage in Numbers 15 is one such spot. A man is stoned for gathering sticks on the Sabbath Day.”

Flashback: A Christmas Prayer

“Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.”

He foresaw my every fall, my every sin, my every backsliding; yet, nevertheless, fixed His heart upon me.

—A.W. Pink

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