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A La Carte (June 5)

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This week at Westminster Books you’ll find a deal on a book titled The Good Gift of Weakness. Be sure to scroll down to also look at their collection of New and Noteworthy books that are also on sale.

I dug up some new Kindle deals today. Some of them are a dollar or two higher than the sweet spot, but they are still worth a look.

3 Waves That Have Shaped Evangelical Churches (And a 4th on the Way)

While he necessarily needs to simplify matters a bit, Trevin Wax does a good job of tracing three waves that have shaped evangelical churches today. He proposes a fourth that could now be on the way.

When Is a Couple Considered Married?

What is it that makes a marriage? Is it a certificate? Is it the act of consummation? Is it the assent of parents? Robby Lashua looks for biblical data to answer the question.

A Christian’s Practical Guide to Reproductive Technology

“In vitro fertilization (IVF) is not mentioned in the Bible. Some Christians have concluded that this means the Bible is agnostic on IVF, a reproductive technology where sperm fertilizes an egg in a petri dish. While it is true that the words ‘in vitro fertilization’ do not explicitly appear, the Bible has a lot to say about infertility, technology, and the value of life from the moment of conception.”

Don’t Be Half a Berean

It’s important to imitate those noble Bereans all the way (and not, as we may be tempted to do, to imitate them only halfway).

Wisdom Is Work

“The mature are those who have powers of discernmenttrained. The wisdom to tell the difference between true and false, right and wrong, wise and foolish, requires training. What kind of training? Training through constant practice. We aren’t talking about going on a course to be wise, we’re talking about wisdom developing over time by using it. It takes time.”

This Body Is Only the Seed

What a joy and a comfort it is to know that our earthly bodies are to our resurrection bodies what a seed is to a mighty oak tree.

Flashback: And You Shall Never Displease Me

People fail to live up to our standards because it’s impossible for them to live up to our standards. And neither should they, for we have no right to call people to live to any standard other than God’s.

In the pain of life there are hidden treasures. God does not call us to be masochists who enjoy suffering, but he does call us to be grace-hunters—people who see glimpses of his glory in the mess of life and let our hearts sing.

—Helen Thorne

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