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A La Carte (December 29)

The Dior Woman and True Freedom

This is a must-read article. “Have we really reached a point where freedom is portrayed by such petty play things like a little black dress, a helicopter ride, and a man to kiss but not commit to? Is freedom merely the absence of responsibility? If that’s the definition of freedom, I don’t want it.”

Plagiarizing and Quoting in Preaching

Here are some good, realistic, and helpful thoughts on preachers and plagiarizing. “If you find a great thought in Calvin, the best thing to do is to turn it over in your mind, polish it, reduce it to something manageable and add to it for the benefit of those to whom you preach. There is no need to feel as though you must quote and cite every thought that you glean from others.”

What A World Champion Whistler Sounds Like

Don’t pretend that you’ve never wondered before what a world champion whistler sounds like.

11 Ways to Write Better

“We are all writers now. Whether you write books, blogposts, emails, tweets, or text messages, you are a writer. No matter your preferred medium, here are a few tips to help you write more effectively…” I quite appreciate tip #1!

Using Your Memory to God’s Glory

“We don’t like to memorize stuff. We find it dull, painful, and pointless. … But the funny thing is, we will memorize that which is important to us. It’s really unavoidable.”

This Day in 1876. 139 years ago today, American hymn writer Philip P. Bliss and his wife died in a train wreck. Ironically, the night before he sang, “I’m Going Home Tomorrow.” *

2016 Reading Challenge for Kids

Redeemed Reader took my 2016 reading challenge and did up a version for kids.

Pastoring a Culturally-diverse Church

Paul, pastor at Grace Fellowship Church (where I serve as an elder), shares a few reflections on pastoring a culturally diverse church in a culturally diverse city.


The angel fetched Peter out of prison, but it was prayer that fetched the angel.

—Thomas Watson

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