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A La Carte (December 31)

3 Reminders as You Enter the New Year

These are simple but important reminders as we head into a new year.

Gluttony: Gospel Reflections for Foodies & Comfort Eaters

“Are we really going to talk about gluttony at this time of the year? Do we have to? Yes, we need to talk about it, and if your instinct is to think this discussion can only be a ‘guilt trip,’ then we need to talk about it all the more.”

Screen Time for Babies

Time: “In a world where ‘screen time’ is becoming simply ‘time,’ our policies must evolve or become obsolete.” In other words, The American Academy of Pediatrics is reconsidering its digital exposure guidelines for children.

The One Must-Read This Year

John Piper: “I have never called any book a ‘must-read’ except one, the Bible. I suppose that’s because I take the word ‘must’ so seriously.” And so he gives his one must-read recommendation for 2016.

Just Desserts

This is an interesting (and pathetic) longform article about Sandy Jenkins, who embezzled sixteen million dollars from the company he worked for, and used it all to live a ridiculously lavish lifestyle.

This Day in 1892. 123 years ago today, Andrew Bonar died. He was moderator of the Scottish Free Church and wrote many books, including a biography of Robert Murray M’Cheyne. *

Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2015

Christianity Today shares the top ten findings of the important excavations taking place in the lands of the Bible.

Where Illegal Food Goes

Have you ever wondered what happens to all that illegal food that gets confiscated at airports? Now you know…


Resolved: that every man should live to the glory of God. Resolved second: that whether others do this or not I will.

—Martin Luther

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