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A La Carte (December 7)

A La Carte Thursday 1

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: You Will Never Regret The Sins You Do Not Commit)

Behind the Tragic, Instagram-Perfect Life of an Ex-Disney Executive

This is such a tragic story that tells about the life and death of Dave Hollis (husband to influencer Rachel Hollis). “When Dave Hollis quit his plum Disney job to join his wife Rachel’s self-help empire, the pair built a business around sharing some of their darkest feelings on social media. The reality was even worse.” (I attempted to use a free link from WSJ so hopefully you’re able to open it properly.)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Our Constantinian Moment

Brad Littlejohn has written an especially fascinating article. “It is a timely moment to reflect on the conversion of Constantine, because our civilization stands at a similar crossroads to that which confronted this Roman leader at Milvian Bridge. And many of our own seasoned leaders are making a similar gamble: Christianity alone can provide the glue to hold us together, the spiritual resources to revive our peoples.”

Don’t Think About Pink Elephants: When Gay Conservatives Go Rogue on Orthodox Christianity

On a somewhat similar note, Stephen McAlpine writes about the growing rift between gay conservatives and conservative Christians.

Do You Have Advice for Someone Who Is About to Enter Seminary?

Sinclair Ferguson offers some advice for those about to enter seminary.

The Long, Forgotten Reformation in France: A Brief History of the Huguenots

If you’re not familiar with the Huguenots, you should be! This longform article from DG is an excellent primer.

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

“The funeral is over. Robyn’s earthly tent has been laid to rest. Family and friends have dispersed. Left over food and flowers have been brought home. A season is over. A chapter is done. Life will change. But now it’s time to rest and reflect.” And even at a time like that, Andy is praising the Lord for his love and faithfulness.

Flashback: Talk About Jesus, Not Celebrities

We will be a blessing to the world around us if instead of obsessing about people we fix our hearts on Christ. So take this as my call to you and to me and to all of us: Let’s stop the gossip. Let’s stop the gossip and instead make it our delight to speak about who our God is and about what our God has done.

Jesus…never promised to build a campus ministry. There is only one institution on earth that Jesus Christ promised to build, and that’s the church. If you want to be into what Jesus is into, you’ll get into a church.

—Kevin DeYoung

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