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A La Carte (February 14)

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When We Talk About God – I’m with Jared Wilson here: “I think a lot of the rejections in evangelicalism today of God’s sovereignty and biblical infallibility are not unrelated to the more recent conversations about the need to attend regular local church services. They are all simply manifestations of a rejection of authority…”

Beyond the Worship Set – Matt Merker has a really helpful article about a feature of our worship services that we may take for granted: the worship set.

Beyond Male and Female – Facebook announced that they have moved beyond ‘male’ and ‘female’ with custom gender options. You can now customize your gender and your preferred pronoun.

Family Devotions in Real Life – CBMW: “We asked Jodi Ware what family devotions looked like in their home during the training years of their own two daughters. Her husband, Bruce Ware, is the author of the excellent discipleship book Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God.”

Why Writers Are the Worst Procrastinators – I like this explanation: “Most writers manage to get by because, as the deadline creeps closer, their fears of turning in nothing eventually surpasses their fears of turning in something terrible.”

What and How You Read – Rosaria Butterfield: “I’m culpable. The blood is on my hands. The world of LGBTQ activism on college campuses is the world that I helped create. I was unfaltering in fidelity: the umbrella of equality stretching to embrace my lesbian identity, and the world that emerged from it held salvific potential. I bet my life on it, and I lost.”


Sooner could a fish live upon a tree than the wicked in Paradise.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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