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A La Carte (February 22)


Good morning! Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books by a couple of Pipers.

Just a reminder that the daily quotes I share are all collected at SquareQuotes where you can browse and download them all.

(Yesterday on the blog: Something Left Undone)

We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know

This is not written by a Christian, but still covers a topic that is extremely urgent. “I am a 48-year-old transgender man. I was thrilled when the medical community told me six years ago that I could change from a woman to a man. I was informed about all the wonderful things that would happen due to medical transition, but all the negatives were glossed over. Since then, I have suffered tremendously, including seven surgeries, a pulmonary embolism, an induced stress heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, arm reconstructive surgery, lung, heart and bladder damage, insomnia, hallucinations, PTSD, $1 million in medical expenses, and loss of home, car, career and marriage.”

The FAQs: What You Should Know About the Pro-LGBTQ Equality Act

Joe Carter: “Next week the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the radical Equality Act. The bill would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act to ‘prohibit discrimination’ on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.”

Hockey Has a Gigantic-Goalie Problem

I’m no great hockey fan, but still enjoyed Ken Dryden’s article on hockey’s goalie problem. It’s a fascinating analysis.

5 Ways You Shouldn’t Be Like Jesus

Phil Gons: “One of the most common ways people relate to Jesus is by seeing him as an example to follow. This idea is captured in the popular modern phrase ‘What would Jesus do?’ or in the acronym WWJD. Even many non-Christians recognize Jesus as a positive moral example. While it’s not the primary way we should relate to Jesus—related to him as creator, sustainer, and redeemer is—following his example is thoroughly biblical.”

What Color Was Adam?

This is an interesting one from AiG: “Humans around the world are diverse with different hair colors, eye colors, and skin shades, among many other traits. Yet, the Bible teaches that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. This raises interesting questions regarding the origin of the various colors and shades. For example, we might wonder what Adam and Eve looked like? Or, how could we have so much variation from just two original parents?”

Small Churches

“In the wonderful series of fictional stories entitled ‘The Vinyl Café’, written and told by Stuart McLean in books and on CBC radio and apps, we are regaled with stories of Dave, the owner of the world’s smallest record store. The motto of Dave’s store, The Vinyl Café, is ‘We may not be big, but we’re small’. This might be an appropriate slogan for most of the churches in North America, which, in my opinion is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Sustained Through the Hardest Suffering

John Piper shares some key content from his new book on providence by telling how God’s providence sustains us through even the hardest suffering.

Flashback: I Feel I Think I Believe

“I feel” may be a way of safeguarding ourselves in an age that elevates faux tolerance and political correctness as the highest of all virtues. It proactively softens the blow for those things we would otherwise declare to be true and right and good. You may be offended by my thoughts or beliefs, but surely not by my feelings!

It is easier to confess our neighbor’s faults and infirmities than our own.

—J.R. Miller

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