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A La Carte (February 24)

Risen: Movies, Faith, and the Bible

The best and most important part of this article on the film Risen comes in the final paragraph.

I Got Skills

I enjoyed this reflection on motherhood and parenting.

Corpus Linguistics

I appreciated this critical interaction with the post I wrote on feeling, thinking, and believing.

Planet Earth 2

This is exciting: There will soon be a second series of Planet Earth. I can’t help but wonder, though, how much will be dedicated to climate change hysteria. “The series, which originally used the working title One Planet, uses technology including ultra high definition filming, drones and remote recording.”

Can God’s Love for Us Increase?

Mark Jones answers a common question and does so with a solid “yes and no.”

A Short History of the Mosquito that Transmits Zika Virus

“Question: What do Napoléon Bonaparte, Walter Reed, the Panama Canal, and the Zika virus all have in common? Answer: The Aedes aegypti mosquito…”

This Day in 303. 1,713 years ago today, the first official Roman edict for the persecution of Christians was issued by Roman Emperor Galerius Valerius Maximianus. *

Bonjour Paris

There may be a little too much hyper in this hyperlapse video of Paris, but it’s still pretty amazing.

The World’s Quietest Room

Imagine being in a room so quiet that you can hear your heart beat. You can even hear your joints scraping together when you move.


The truly wise are humble because they know they still have so much to learn.

—Don Whitney

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