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A La Carte (February 25)


Good morning! The God of love and peace be with you today.

Today Crossway has a nice long list of theological books on sale for Kindle.

(Yesterday on the blog: Little Seeds that Split Great Rocks)

Manhood & Womanhood Affirmations and Denials

The elders of Bethlehem Baptist Church have released a couple of interesting documents. The first is a series of affirmations and denials related to manhood and womanhood and the second related to ethnic harmony.

Pastors are Paid to Stare Out the Window

Kind of, at least. Read what Jared Wilson has to say about it.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, it’s a Line Dance and a Picnic

Would you sing a hymn about line dances and picnics? It’s a neat example of why cultures need to create their own hymns. “And the lyrics? Well, you bring in line dancing, picnics, and colorful flowers and you are speaking the love language of our local people group.”

What Is Hell?

Here’s R.C. Sproul on hell: “There is no biblical concept more grim or terror-invoking than the idea of hell. It is so unpopular with us that few would give credence to it at all except that it comes to us from the teaching of Christ Himself.” He comments on whether the biblical descriptions are literal or figurative.

The Gospel Of Church Government

“The author and atheist, Christopher Hitchens, wrote in his autobiography: ‘Everything about Christianity is contained in the pathetic image of the flock’. I think he’s spot on. Frankly, he’s thought much harder about that metaphor than many Christians have.”

Head Coverings, Custom, and Proper Decorum

Steven Wedgeworth interprets that tricky passage about head coverings.

The Story Of An Muslim African-American Slave Who Converted To Christ

Here’s the story of Omar ibn Said who was born in 1770 in the West African kingdom of Futa Toro (modern-day Senegal), but sold into slavery in America, where he became a Christian.

Flashback: When Grumbling Meets Gossip

There will be times when we disagree with others. There will be times when we need to confront other people for their sinful actions or attitudes or to dispute with others to contend for the truth and guard the gospel. But both must be handled with love and grace.

Preaching Christ is the only way to give solid comfort to suffering people.

—Joel Beeke

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