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A La Carte (February 3)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Logos users, be sure to look at this month’s free book (a free commentary, actually). There are some other good deals to be had as well. You also have access to a coupon code (SAVEMORE) that will get you escalating discounts based on how much you spend.

Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent books written specifically for women and a whole lot else. If you didn’t check in over the weekend, it would be worth scrolling down to February 1 to see all the deals from Saturday.

Subtle Strategies

What are some of the subtle strategies Satan might use against churches today? “Today, a journey into our imaginations. Let’s apply some of the devil’s strategies to today’s leaders. Your aim as a faithful demon? To destroy the spiritual health of a local church. How would you go about this?”

A Christian Philosophy of Parenting?

Christian parents will find help here. “We want our kids to thrive and flourish. Of course, God’s revealed will need to measure this, not us or the surrounding culture. Ultimately our desire is for our kids to love God with all they are—heart, soul, mind, and strength—and love others as they love themselves.”

The New Porn (Are You Talking About Sports Betting?)

This article about sports betting is written primarily for overseas workers, but it may prove useful to everyone else as well.

Conclave: The Movie that Takes Francis’s Papacy to Excruciating Consequences

Leonardo De Chirico writes about the movie Conclave which I expect you’ve heard of by now.

Nine Things We Wouldn’t Know without Colossians 4

I really enjoyed this look at nine things we wouldn’t know without Colossians 4.

In Christian Love, Who Comes First?

“Why should we concern ourselves with global missions when there is so much pressing ministry to do at home? This question, recently thrust into the public eye, has drawn both criticism and praise. But it is not a new question.”

Flashback: A Few Practical Pointers on Sexual Intimacy

However you go about it, learn to communicate, to speak candidly, honestly, and lovingly, about the intimacy you share.

Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world.

—Francis Schaeffer

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 3)

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