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A La Carte (February 7)

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Lessons Learned in the School of Suffering – Darryl shares a few of the lessons he has learned in the school of suffering.

Create a Culture of Evangelism – Here is some wisdom on how to create a culture of evangelism.

Two Men Who Marked My Life – I love reading tributes like this one. “One of my earliest prayers as a Christian was, ‘Lord, bring me someone to teach me Your Word.’ … God graciously answered my prayer by bringing many people into my life, but two of the most influential have been Tommy Nelson and Mark Dever. I was recently blessed with the opportunity to see these men come together for an evening, which gave me a good reason to reflect on how they have marked my life—which I hope in turn will mark yours as well.”

Lessons from the Ham vs Nye Debate – Rick Phillips found the Ham vs Nye debate to be interesting and provides three observations.

The Tension of the Christian Life – Jason Helopoulos writes about some of the tensions we feel as we live this Christian life.

Stay-at-Home Mome with Missionary Hearts – “Have you ever watched someone else living your dream, the thing you really, really wanted for your life? As I cut the crusts off my kids’ peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I listened to my young, single friend talk passionately about her upcoming trip back to Cambodia. Before her furlough she’d worked with children in an orphanage and discipled teenage girls. Now, she’ll use her nursing degree in a medical clinic, building relationships, and sharing about Jesus…”

AW Pink

Sovereignty characterizes the whole being of God. He is sovereign in all his attributes.

—A.W. Pink

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