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A La Carte (January 11)

Don’t Confuse Spirituality with Righteousness

R.C. Sproul draws an important distinction. “Spirituality and piety are not ends in themselves. In fact they are worthless unless they are means to a higher goal. The goal must go beyond spirituality to righteousness.”

Why We Keep Playing the Lottery

There are a few interesting takeaways from this article. The first is the sheer marketing manipulation that goes on to encourage people to play the lottery. The second is how much more compelling it is to speak in the Christian language of heart idolatries than in the language of evolution when we explain the lottery fixation. (Also, try this Powerball simulator.)

When Life Feels Like Drudgery

“Faithfulness in drudgery is what faithfulness is all about. Most of life is drudgery, isn’t it? The messes, the commute, the weeds that keep growing, the bellies that need feeding, the clothes that need washing.” Yup. Most of us live most of life right there.

How Credit Cards Tax America

“How much money did you send your bank this year when you used your credit card? Did you notice that you paid a $400 fee—one of the highest in the world?”

How to Read Calvin’s Institutes and Why You Should Seriously Consider It

Justin Taylor offers encouragement and assistance.

This Day in 1946. 70 years ago today, John Piper was born. You can wish Pastor John a happy 70th birthday on Twitter!

The Lost Generation

A friend linked to this article which I read and thoroughly enjoyed. There are some great drawings and watercolors there to boot.

Third Wave Coffee

Here’s a brief video on the history of all these fancy coffees we’re drinking today.


If you do not die to sin, you shall die for sin. If you do not slay sin, sin will slay you.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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