I wasn’t able to track down any new Kindle Kindle deals today, but I guess you can always catch up on past days!
Why the Ark of the Covenant Will Never Be Found
Here’s why the Ark of the Covenant will never be found. (Also, the scene from Indiana Jones where they found it and lifted the lid caused me lie awake in fear many nights when I was a child!)
Raw Tears and Holy Fury
Dai Hankey discusses human trafficking and the real-life story that made him aware of it. “Indeed it propelled me onto a gut-wrenching, faith-stretching journey of discovery. It is a journey that, as I have been confronted by the brutal realities of human trafficking, has been marked by raw tears and holy fury.”
Colorado 2016 (Video)
Colorado 2016 is a stunning video of Colorado. It will make you want to visit (or, if you already live there, to head outdoors). It’s even got a nice bit of Scripture woven in.
An Appeal to the Church to Resist ‘Death With Dignity’
Also from Colorado is this appeal to Christians to resist the “death with dignity” movement.
The Rise of Reformed Christianity in the World’s Largest Muslim Country
“Though Christians compose only 10 percent of Indonesia’s population, the nation is so populous that roughly 25 million Christians live there. About one-third are Catholic, while the Protestants are typically either Pentecostal or Reformed—as in, really Reformed.”
This Day in 1822. 195 years ago today a young George Müller was released after 36 days in jail for theft. He would migrate to England where he would become a leader in British faith ministries. *
The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian
Christianity Today: “For the third year in a row, the modern persecution of Christians worldwide has hit another record high. But the primary cause, Islamic extremism, now has a rival: ethnic nationalism.”
How to Get Your Prayer To Work
H.B. Charles Jr. says, “There are two fundamental reasons why you should pray. First of all, you should pray because the word of God commands it. Secondly, you should pray because it works!”
The Preposterous Success Story of America’s Pillow King
If you’re up for a longer read, you may enjoy reading this one. “Former drug addict Mike Lindell’s multimillion-dollar idea came to him in a dream.”
Flashback: On Being an Ordinary Christian
It’s one thing to consider yourself ordinary, but a very different thing to learn others consider you ordinary.