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A La Carte (January 22)

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a selection of books written by and for women.

(Yesterday on the blog: Headlines & Happenings (Jordan Peterson, #MeToo, The “Sickening Danger” of Homeschooling)

Learning From Those Who Pray All Night

“To most American Christians, this practice may sound crazy. But African Christians will explain that they are simply following the ways of Jesus, who many times spent the whole night in prayer (Luke 6:12). Sure, it takes discipline, but it’s a great way to grow in godliness and faithfulness. So, they argue, why shouldn’t we follow Jesus’ example?” It’s a valid question, isn’t it?

How the Canada Summer Jobs Program Became a Freedom-Of-Religion Controversy

You may have heard how the Canadian government is withholding a subsidized summer jobs program from organizations that will not vow their support for abortion. This article explains. “The Canada Summer Jobs program is usually one of the best parts of an MP’s job: they get to proudly go around their riding announcing grants to small businesses, non-profits and public sector organizations that subsidize the wages of summer students. But this year the program has sparked a huge controversy over whether the government is violating religious freedom by requiring all applicants to sign an ‘attestation’ that includes respect for reproductive rights — in other words, access to abortions.”

Structure: A Microscopic Landscape in 4k (Video)

This is pretty amazing, though I wish it was more explicit with what you’re actually seeing each time. “See the world of ordinary organic objects magnified up to 1000x, to reveal beautiful and unique landscape structures, never before seen like this. Using a custom motion control device, microscope and 4k video, we bring a microscopic world to life.”

Amazing Grace

This article tells about modern-day missionaries who continue to carry out the hardest ministries and who continue to suffer for it.

The McDonald’s Monopoly Scam: Operation Final Answer (Video)

“McDonald’s first started the Monopoly promotion in 1987, and its premise was simple: attach Monopoly pieces to food cartons and cups, with each piece signifying a Monopoly property or a small prize. One out of every four pieces would be a small prize, such as a medium fry or soda, and a very few of the prizes would be significantly more valuable, such as a car or, with the proper pieces, cash – up to $1 million.” But then it all went awry.

The Young Writer’s Guidebook

Young Writers might be interested in this book, The Young Writer’s Guidebook written by Brett Harris.

Start Planning Your Own Funeral

“Death might frighten us because it’s unknown—but it doesn’t have to. If we think about death often, and realize that to live is Christ and to die truly is gain, then we can live lives full of wisdom and godliness. We get to live for Christ today, and we gain him even more if we die tomorrow.”

Flashback: 5 Marks of a Good Funeral

A good funeral allows God to speak through his Word, so he can tell those who attend about the hope he offers through his Son.

Christian giving is to be marked by self-sacrifice and self-forgetfulness, not by self-congratulation.

—John Stott

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