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A La Carte (January 25)


Grace and peace be with you as you live out another week for God’s glory.

There’s a good little selection of Kindle deals to browse through today.

Love Bade Him Welcome

I love to read stories of how God works to call his people to himself.

10 Sermons to Eliminate

Preachers, here are 10 sermons—or kinds of sermon—you should eliminate from your repertoire.

Everything Is Broken

I saw this article recommended far and wide before finally reading it. It’s quite a good read, though unfortunately marred by a couple of flippant uses of the Lord’s name. Still, it provides lots to think about.

The Reason Darwin Left the Faith (And How We Can Learn Through His Pain)

“Charles Darwin began his journey, according to his testimony, as a Christian. In fact, there was the possibility of him going into ministry before his ride on the Beagle. However, there were some things that changed his mind…”

An Old Cure for an Old Illness

My pal Eleazar Maduka has written a good and helpful article here about an old cure for an age-old illness.

How to Speak During Coronavirus (Video)

You might enjoy this clever and humorous video that pokes some good-natured fun at the constantly-changing COVID regulations.

The Death of Spontaneity

Speaking of COVID, it may not be responsible for the death of spontaneity, but I expect it’s at least responsible for hastening its demise.

Flashback: When the Mormons Come Calling

I will listen to them. Then I will tell them the gospel and explain why this gospel is such good news—far better news than what they are offering.

It is not enough for the preacher to declare to all men that God loves them—the preacher must love them too if he would make them believe in the divine love for them.

—J.R. Miller

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