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A La Carte (January 31)

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Westminster Books is offering deep discounts on a whole collection of new books that they deem especially noteworthy. There are some very good picks there.

I added some new Kindle deals yesterday and will hope to do so again today.

What Are Demons, and How Should Christians Think About Them?

Jon Nielson has quite a helpful description of demons and how Christians ought to think about them.

The Internal Contradiction in Transgender Theories

Trevin explains how there is a huge and irreconcilable contradiction in the various transgender theories.

Okay Thought Leaders: It’s Time to Stop Bagging Out the “Average Church Member”

Stephen McAlpine wants pastors to stop “bagging out” the average church member. “With the right gospel vision, the right training and framework, the right encouragement, and the right recognition of what the average church member’s life is already like, the average church member is more than willing to be part of the mission of the church. The key is to take their lives and experiences seriously as the first step.”

Seeing in Colour

Like myself, T.M. Suffield is color blind. He uses this fact to spark a moving reflection.

The Sad Relief

Patsy Kuipers writes about “the sad relief,” which she considers “an apt description of the blend of sorrow and joy known to Christians because we’re able to grieve with hope”

Alistair Begg and the Loving Thing

I’m sure by now you’ve heard about Alistair Begg’s recent comments about attending a wedding that involves a homosexual/transgendered person—comments that were made as he discussed his book The Christian Manifesto. You can find his original comment here and his more detailed explanation here. Among the blogs I follow, I have seen just a couple of responses: Anne Kennedy has some thoughts on it in Alistair Begg and the Loving Thing while Stephen Kneale takes a somewhat similar view but focuses a bit more on whether this is always an issue of biblical fidelity or whether it at times falls into the category of wisdom. I see a number of distinct issues that I may comment on in the future. Among them: The issue itself (Is it always sinful for a Christian to attend such a ceremony?); the implication of someone holding the opposite view (How do we relate to people who hold a different conviction?); and the way this whole conversation has taken place (Is there a McLuhan/Postman sense in which the medium is the message?). There is a lot to think about and I am praying the church is strengthened through it.

Flashback: My Favorite Family Memory

Many of my best memories are of events that happened one time or perhaps a few times. But my favorite of all is an event that happened day after day and year after year. 

Make Christ your music and your song; for complaining and feeling of want does often swallow up your praises. Borrow joy and comfort from the Comforter.

—Samuel Rutherford

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