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A La Carte (January 4)

Can We Sing Too Much About the Cross?

Bob Kauflin: “The more I’ve studied Scripture, the more I’m convinced that as we worship God for his word, his works, and his worthiness, the blazing center of our praise will always be the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus.”

The Reading Habits of a Latter-Day Puritan

“J.I. Packer is regularly asked about the major books in his life, and the lists that he generates on those occasions fall into two categories—books that influenced him most and books that he reads every year.”

Timeline of the Twentieth Century

This is an interesting little timeline showing some of the noteworthy events of the last (and current) century.

Going to the Concert Alone

I enjoyed this celebration of friendship. “There is something about the nature of friendship. A friend calls from each of us something unique. Friends bring things out of us that otherwise wouldn’t come out. Friends embellish our experiences. We simply were not made to live life alone.”

This Day in 1965. 51 years ago today, T. S. Eliot died. Eliot was the most influential English poet of the twentieth century and was part of the Church of England. *

God Has a Reason

This is both true and important: Saying that God has a reason for everything doesn’t mean you know what that reason is.

And Then There Were None

The Economist reports on the Christian exodus from the Middle East. “Overall, the proportion of Middle Easterners who are Christian has dropped from 14% in 1910 to 4% today. Church leaders and pundits have begun to ask whether Christianity will vanish from the Middle East, its cradle, after 2,000 years.”

10 Reminders for Preachers

Preachers will benefit from these ten reminders.


Where information has increased, wisdom has decreased.

—Kevin DeYoung

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