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A La Carte (July 21)

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Testing Your Faith in Divine Intervention – Sandy Grant writes about some of the evil events in the news today and assigns the blame accordingly.

3 Scriptures for Financial Hardship – Here are three passages (out of many) that may console in times of financial hardship.

Being a Better Online ReaderThe New Yorker has some tips on being a better online reader.

Through Heaven’s Doorway – Randy Alcorn has an encouraging (yes, encouraging!) post about death.

Convert, Pay the Tax, or Die – “Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq’s dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul.”

Ministering to Families Battling Cancer – Here is how (and how not) to minister to families battling cancer.


The more of heaven there is in our lives, the less of earth we shall covet.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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