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A La Carte (July 3)


Today’s Kindle deals include some good books. Nancy Pearcey’s Finding Truth could be the best $0.79 you spend all summer!

P&R has launched a new Reformed Expository Bible Study series and the first few volumes are on sale at WTS Books.

John Stott’s Daily Prayer

I think we’d all do well to begin our days with this prayer or one like it.

Hey Ministers and Theologians: When It Comes to the Secular Workplace, You Just Don’t Get It

This may be overstated a little, but it makes a valid point. “If you’re a Christian ministry worker and you’ve had a lot to say about Izzy (either for or against) the last few weeks on social media, then it might be time to get off Facebook and have a listen to the people in your congregation who hold down a job Monday to Friday. Because there’s a good chance you’re working in a sheltered workshop.”

Enjoy Your Summer Vacation—Just Don’t Vacate The Church

The last few years, however, I’ve noticed a trend. It almost seems that as students return home, cottages open, and lakes warm up, Christians begin to adopt a vacational mindset towards the church. The problem here is not planning a few weeks away with the family but the symptoms that emerge when church fellowship is viewed as optional, inconvenient, or even unhelpful.”

Pastor, God Grows Churches

“When I finished writing this post I had a toss up over what its title should be. So here is the alternative heading: Pastor, Neither Men Nor Methods Grow Churches.” Under either title it’s a valuable reminder.

A Costly Reminder That You Don’t Own Those Ebooks

At least all these people are being fully reimbursed, but it’s still a good reminder of how ebooks really work.

The Most Politically Incorrect Bible Passage

Oh, you probably know which one it is. “Though Paul’s statement might be the most politically incorrect passage, it’s also a powerfully correct passage. These are the words of our Creator, the One who sustains the universe in existence and grants our every breath. Truer words cannot be spoken.”

How Many Protestant Churchgoers Actually Read the Bible Regularly?

The answer? Not as many as you’d hope. So preacher, give them lots of the Word on Sunday!

Flashback: Jesus Never Moves On

Though we may give up on Christ, he will never give up on us. His love will endure.

Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty.

—E.M. Bounds

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