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A La Carte (June 12)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few interesting titles, including two newer ones from Crossway.

Three Tips to Instantly Improve Your Church’s Graphic Design

The trouble with graphic design is that it looks so easy but is actually so hard. “If you are an untrained volunteer tasked with the creation of graphics for your organization, here are three things you can do that will take you miles down the road of communicating more effectively with your community.”

Starting a Fire with Water (Video)

So you say you’re stuck in the woods with nothing but water and a sandwich bag? Here’s what to do…

I Hope I Die Before I Get Old

“Sometimes it is a great joy ministering to an old saint departing into glory. Sometimes it is a great heartbreak when the one mourned has given no indication of saving faith. Even more heartbreaking is sharing the gospel with folks basically on their deathbeds who see no need for Christ.”

A DIY Marriage Retreat

This is perhaps just a little too type-A for Aileen and me, but I can still see the benefit in it.

Is a “Churchless Christian” an Oxymoron?

Julius Kim: “What does it mean to be a member of the church? Being a member of a church reveals at least three truths: (1) obedience to God; (2) submission to the means God has provided; and (3) service to other members through the use of one’s gifts.”

The Danger of “Church Shopping”

“For a church to meet and affirm every congregant in their totally unique, individuated spirituality is to fragment in a hundred different directions, losing any sense of a beautiful, transcendent core that makes church matter in the first place. A better approach for churches is to call the congregation in its diversity to meet Christ where he is at, even if it means asking people to redirect or abandon their various self-defined spiritual paths.”

Southern Baptists and Gender-Inclusive Bible Translation

Denny Burk shows how a recent article in The Atlantic is pretty much nonsense. “It would be shocking if it were true. But it’s not true. In fact, it’s demonstrably false.”

Flashback: When Sin Looks Delicious

Do you ever have those days where you just want to sin? Sin looks delicious while righteousness looks distasteful. Sin looks satisfying and holiness looks frustrating. What do you do on a day like that?

Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical and applying it.

—John Stott

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