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Explore June 2017

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Win Logos 7!)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Logos Bible Software who also sponsored the blog this week. They are offering a great prize this week: One winner will receive Logos 7 Silver. There’s no better way to kickstart your Logos collection! While you’re considering Logos (and waiting to hear if you’ve won), why don’t…

  • Do Not Cheat Yourself on Good Tools

    Don’t Cheat Yourself Out of Good Tools

    I tend to think the best comedy is the kind that is universal. It picks up on themes we can all readily identify with, no matter who we are. Brian Regan does a great little bit on getting a new pair of contacts, and it always makes me chuckle. He talks about the long procrastination…

  • A La Carte (June 30)

    It’s an excellent day for Kindle deals, so be sure to check the big list. Burnout and Stress There are some good resources here related to burnout and stress. They’re especially helpful for pastors. Don’t Copy Spurgeon’s Schedule Speaking of burnout and stress, this article describes Spurgeon’s incredible weekly schedule, while this article explains why…

  • How To Identify Your Pet Sin

    Every Christian can think of a sin he has identified and attacked with all the brutality he can muster. One of the great joys of the Christian life is seeing God be true to his Word as he motivates and empowers us to wage war against indwelling sin. Yet every one of us probably also…

  • A La Carte (June 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a few minor deals. Westminster Books is offering a deal on a little new book by Kevin DeYoung. It’s a free download if you’d like the electronic version. An Incredible Spider (Video) This BBC video highlights a spider with an incredible ability. Does God Love Everyone? You can read or…

  • Writers Write

    Writers Write

    I’m asked the questions all the time: What does it take to be a writer? How can I be a better writer? How can I be a more successful writer? They may dream of launching a blog or getting published in a magazine or completing their debut novel. My reply is always the same: Writers…

  • A La Carte (June 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of minor deals. MacArthur/Sproul Q&A (Video) This is a fun little video clip from a recent event. Also, R.C. Sproul does a good job answering a question about double predestination. The Apostate’s Creed This is pretty clever. Why Did God Allow the Fall? “It’s a question that puzzles…

  • How Does Sanctification Work

    How Does Sanctification Work?

    Some great books hit your life like a sledgehammer. They wreck your preconceptions and disrupt what you were sure you knew. We need these books from time to time. Other books come like a cool drink of water on a hot afternoon. They reaffirm what you thought you knew, and shore up your pre-existing convictions.…

  • A La Carte (June 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a bunch of books from all over the place. There may be something there that catches your eye. Why a Church Playground Matters for Religious Liberty Joe Carter explains. “In a key victory for religious liberty, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday the state of Missouri violated the Free Exercise Clause when…

  • Build a Theological Library

    How To Build a Solid Theological Library

    After a decade of Bible college, seminary, and ministry, I’d accumulated hundreds of books. Even so, I rarely had the resources I needed to thoroughly understand and teach a passage. Simply put, my library was big but weak. I’ve since learned that building a solid theological library doesn’t happen by chance, and it doesn’t have…

  • Make Time To Be Bored

    Boredom isn’t what it used to be. Boredom used to be the absence of stimuli, the lack of interest in any available activity. Boredom was being left alone with your thoughts. Today, though, boredom has taken on a new character. Today, boredom is the presence of a screen and an ever-scrolling timeline of social media.…

  • A La Carte (June 26)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole series of excellent books from 9Marks. The Church of CrossFit I see this all over the place: Once church has disappeared, people will replace it with something or anything. Loving the People You Love to Hate Jared Wilson: “Here’s how you know if you hate something someone has done…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped: A Sunday Morning at Grace Fellowship Church

    I’ve been surprised at how much people are enjoying these little summaries of our worship services at Grace Fellowship Church. I probably shouldn’t be, though, because I rather enjoy experiencing worship in other churches and learning how different communities of Christians worship the same God in different contexts. So here is another explanation of how…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (June 24)

    Westminster Books has discounted a selection of new books from Crossway. The Success Affair “Working with such couples, I’ve found it interesting to note when the affairs happen. Often pastors get into an affair when ministry is going well, when they are achieving their ministerial career goals and dreams. Why is this so? Why would…

  • No Man More Pitiful

    No Man More Pitiful

    God had promised his people a land. He had promised to lead them out of captivity and into a place of their own. And now he had delivered them from their bondage in Egypt, he had led them across the Red Sea, he had remained with them for forty years of wandering, he had taken…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 23)

    It has been a bit of a slow week for Kindle deals, but there are at least a couple there worth checking out. The History of Pews Here’s a tongue-in-cheek history of the humble church pew. “Seating in churches didn’t really become a thing until parishioners got bored enough to wish they were sitting down—that…

  • How To Distinguish True Zeal from False Zeal

    How To Distinguish True Zeal from False Zeal

    I fear there is a plague of complacency among Christians today. Whatever happened to zeal? Whatever happened to Christians who are on fire to know and obey God, who have (in the words of John Reynolds) “an earnest desire and concern for all things pertaining to the glory of God and the kingdom of the…

  • A La Carte (June 22)

    Westminster Books is offering a solid discount on a very good collection of commentaries. You can’t go wrong with any of the ones they’ve highlighted. Teens Who Choose Life in Unplanned Pregnancies Need Support and Respect, Not Shame Here is a wise and winsome response to an article that was all over the news a…

  • The Tricky L of TULIP

    Preaching the Gospel with TULIP’s Tricky “L” in Mind

    It’s a fair question for the Arminian to ask: How can you preach the free offer of the gospel when you believe in a limited atonement? How can you preach the “whosoever” of John 3:16 if you cannot be certain that Christ’s atonement was for every person? How can you say, “Turn to Christ and…