A Christian Convert, on the Run in Afghanistan – The New York Times tells of Josef, a Christian in Afghanistan. “‘I think I was impressed by the personality of Jesus himself,’ he said. ‘The fact that he came here to take all of our sins, that moved me. I admired his character and personality long before I was baptized.’”
Saving Private Smith – Here’s a long-forgotten tale from the First World War.
Should Churches “Dialogue” about Sexuality? – Denny Burk: “False teachers typically won’t show up to your church wearing a sandwich board saying, ‘I am a false teacher.’ Instead, they will appeal to your piety.”
Lest Ye Be Judged – Here’s an article about a chaplain to major league umpires. “Pastor Dean has baptized 66 professional umpires, calling them safe in the only way that matters.”
Why Would You Want to Be in Heaven? – I appreciated this little illustration.
Phones Aren’t for Talking – Here’s a glimpse into the Millennial mind when it comes to a cell phone.