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A La Carte (June 24)


In this week’s deal from Westminster Books, they’ll send you a free copy of Piper’s Expository Exultation if you buy a copy of the revised edition of The Supremacy of God in Preaching.

Today’s Kindle deals include lots of good material from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: Each Man Before the Mob)

The Discipline Of Being Overwhelmed

Yes, indeed. It is sometimes so good to be overwhelmed.

How I Read

Dave Moore explains how he reads books interactively. Speaking personally, I always find it interesting and helpful to learn from other people’s example.

Thoughts on What Secures a Marriage (YouTube)

Greg Koukl offers some of this thoughts on what secures a marriage.

Why Reading Books You Disagree With Helps You Grow

“One of the most devastating effects of the culture wars happening all around us, especially on online platforms like social media, is that we are often told that we need to be protected from the world of ideas or that reading something outside of our own beliefs might lead us down a path of destruction. While this is understandable to some extent, this siloing effect is dangerous to the life of the mind and treats the very concept of understanding our neighbors as a bridge too far.”

The Impact of Saying, “I’m So Busy”

“How many times have you asked someone ‘How are you doing?’ and they respond with ‘Busy!’? In that response, they did not actually answer your caring inquiry and they unknowingly sabotaged their credibility as a leader. Further, in their hurriedness, they potentially hijacked an opportunity to bless. As Christ-following leaders, here’s why I suggest we do well to remove this response from our repertoire… and learn better ways…”

Faith-Sized Requests

Jim Elliff writes about making faith-sized requests of the Lord.

How Do I Know That God Is for Me?

Sinclair Ferguson: “Satan is very insistent about this—indeed, he has been insistent on this question from the beginning. He asked it in the Garden of Eden. In fact, his first recorded words are an assault on God’s gracious character…”

Flashback: This Is Not Your Grandparents’ Church

If it’s not your grandparents’ church it’s not likely to welcome your grandparents, is it? If it’s defined in opposition to what’s dear to them, it’s not likely to make a place for them, is it?

God is the God of the unsuccessful, of those who have failed. Heaven is filling with earth’s broken lives, and there is no bruised reed that Christ cannot take and restore to glorious blessedness and beauty.

—J.R. Miller

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