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A La Carte (June 27)

Our Impatience Is Worth Billions

The New Yorker uses games like Clash of Clans to display how people are willing to pay billions of dollars to relieve their impatience. Personally, I have a deep loathing for any games built around that financial model!

Read Scripture: Esther

The Read Scripture series of videos advances to Esther, definitely one of the most unexpected books of the Bible.

Identity Theft

Jim Elliff considers the important matter of the Christian’s identity: “Certainly what we are is entirely based upon God’s presence in us and His power bequeathed to us. We are nothing on our own. But in Christ, we are something beyond imagination.”

The Calvinist’s Ultimate Concern

Joel Beeke attempts to reduce Calvinism to one core concept.

California’s Religious Liberty Moment

Ed Stetzer writes about how California’s religion liberty moment could soon be coming to a state near you.

This Day in 1736. 280 years ago today, George Whitefield preached his first sermon. In his lifetime, Whitefield preached at least 18,000 times. He addressed perhaps 10,000,000 hearers. *

How to Handle Difficult People

Mike Ayers shares some wisdom.

Independence Day

You’ve got to have some history with 90’s-era Christian music to enjoy this one, but here’s John Schlitt of Petra singing the Whiteheart hit “Independence Day” (with Billy Smiley of Whiteheart on guitar).

Flashback: Why My Family Doesn’t Do Sleepovers

It was two years ago that I posted this article which quickly became the most popular in the site’s history (with over 7 million reads now).


If we are interested in God, we should be interested in theology.

—Michael Horton

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