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A La Carte (June 28)


Westminster Books has identified some of their summer new and noteworthy books and put them on sale. There are some good books available.

Today’s Kindle deals include a bit of a mish-mash!

Becoming Writers Who Write the Truth Beautifully

“How do we grow to become writers who both write the truth and write it beautifully?” Lara has a wonderful reflection on this.

Involving Ourselves in Every Controversy?

“Part of the pernicious underbelly of the internet is that many allow themselves to be drawn into controversies about which they have no need to involve themselves. For many years, I too wanted juicy details about whatever controversy was swirling around in evangelical and Reformed circles.” This is an important topic.

Gospel-Driven Benevolence with Charles Spurgeon

Part theology and part biography, Spurgeon and the Poor examines how the Prince of Preachers’ belief that gospel preaching and soul-winning should be the church’s primary mission drove his mercy ministry. (Sponsored Link)

Will AI Help or Harm Content Creation?

“I’ll tell you at the beginning that I don’t know the answer to that question. But I do know that as with every tool, the wise and the foolish will use it differently. Therefore, whether it helps or harms content creation will be determined by which path we take. Will we take the path of fools or the path of the wise?”

Rejecting Your Maker Means Rejecting Your True Identity

“Society has jettisoned belief in God. When you reject your Maker, you reject the one who establishes your identity. People, though, naturally want to belong. They crave to connect with a community of people who share their values and feelings. With the Maker gone, there’s an identity vacuum that begs for a new way to view oneself. It makes sense that the concept of gender identity was born.” Alan Shlemon explains.

Make Sure You Don’t Join a Sexular Church

Stephen McAlpline: “The Sexular Age just keeps rolling on. Rolling on like waves on a beach. Tsunami waves. Crashing into a church near you. Let me explain.”

You asked: Why Visit Israel?

Lisa offers a few good reasons to consider a visit to Israel (for those for whom it’s possible).

Flashback: When God Seems Deaf To Our Cries

Joseph…died in peace and at a ripe old age, only because God had known better than to grant the most immediate answer to his most urgent prayers.

We see hardly one inch of the narrow lane of time. To our God, eternity lies open as a meadow.

—Amy Carmichael

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