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A La Carte (June 29)

Fear Not, the Universe Is Wildly Out Of Your Control

Here’s comfort: “Things are wildly out of my control but they are not out of control. These things are set in place. Designed. Ordered. Governed.”

When a Christian Feels Dry

And we all do from time to time, don’t we?

Canada Day

To celebrate Canada (July 1), access to all national parks and national historic sites managed by Parks Canada will be free.

50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die

This is a neat account of how John Piper’s book 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die has impacted the world.

The False Heaven of a Successful Ministry

“Don’t settle for the false heaven of a ‘successful ministry.’ Because real success is faithfulness. Big church or small church, growing church or declining church, well-known church or obscure church—all churches are epic successes full of the eternal, invincible quality of the kingdom of God when they treasure Jesus’ gospel and follow him.”

Generosity – More Than Money Can Buy

“There’s nothing wrong with donating to churches and charitable organizations, but to define generosity so narrowly—as giving money alone—is a mistake. Every person has something of value to give, and we always have the opportunity to be generous to others, regardless of financial resources.”

This Day in 1900. 116 years ago today, Meng Ch’ang-ch’un, a prominent Chinese pastor during the Boxer Rebellion, was martyred for his faithfulness to the gospel and his devotion to the missionaries serving in Pao-ting Fu: “Our missionaries have remained with us; we will stand by them, and live or die together.” *

Heresy and Humility

Al Mohler offers some thoughts on the current Trinity controversy. He mentions his own position but focuses on concerns related to the tone of the conversation. (And Carl Trueman replies.)

A Theological Add-On

Here’s a theological add-on to my 2016 reading challenge if you’re interested in forcing your reading to be a bit more theological.

Flashback: When God Flips That Switch

I love what this text displays: When we take action, we find only destruction. When God begins to move, we are given grace.


The gospel keeps me relating to God on the basis of Jesus’s perfections, not on the illusions of my religious achievements. -Gloria Furman

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