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A La Carte (June 3)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Because it’s a new month, there is a whole big list of Kindle deals to consider. There are some strong titles there!

Logos users will want to look at this month’s free and almost free books. Also, lots of great resources from Zondervan are on sale this month (which includes the excellent Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Collection).

(Yesterday on the blog: A Celebration of Friendship)

Life Doesn’t Always Turn Out Like We Thought It Would

Barbara reflects on the reality that sometimes “you can do everything ‘right,’ so to speak, and end up with a life seemingly in shambles.”

Hope for Fallen Christians

“Remember, even in our sinfulness, when we fall, we shall rise. The Lord is our light in the darkest times, and His grace is sufficient to lift us up. Let this truth encourage and strengthen you in your walk with Christ.”

AI as Theological Babel Fish

We have all heard a good number of negative or alarming assessments of AI. This one considers some of the tremendous benefits it may bring. There are some exciting possibilities!

Teenagers and Parental Hypocrisy: Seven Suggestions

“I raised four daughters. That is to say, together with my highly-committed and sensible wife, Trudi, I raised four daughters. I must admit, though, that sometimes it feels like they raised me. Nothing highlights one’s sinful tendencies more effectively than raising children. Every parent reading right now knows what I mean.”

Is There a Preferred Bible Translation Christians Should Use?

It is good to occasionally revisit the matter of Bible translations to consider why we use the Bible we use.

How to Be Sure You’re Saved

“Are you numbered with the wheat, or are you grouped with the tares? Jesus warned that the church would contain both. Which are you?” Greg Koukl wants you to consider and helps you do so.

Flashback: The Cost of Radical Generosity

Their lives sounded pretty good. They sounded better than mine, if I was comparing…And for a moment I wanted it. I wanted it all.

A proverb is compact wisdom, knowledge in chunks, a library in a sentence, the electricity of many clouds discharged in one bolt, a river put through a mill-race.

—De Witt Talmage

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