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A La Carte (June 30)

It’s an excellent day for Kindle deals, so be sure to check the big list.

Burnout and Stress

There are some good resources here related to burnout and stress. They’re especially helpful for pastors.

Don’t Copy Spurgeon’s Schedule

Speaking of burnout and stress, this article describes Spurgeon’s incredible weekly schedule, while this article explains why you shouldn’t try to copy it.

The 100th Anniversary

Everyone’s talking about the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, but there are also some important 100th anniversaries this year as well.

Toxicity (Video)

This video compares the toxicity of different substances. Turns out there are some incredibly deadly toxins out there.

The Extra Ministry Mile

Nick Batzig tells of pastors who “treat ministry like a 9 to 5 job—clocking in and clocking out without being willing to give an extra minute to the needs of the congregants. If their lives were broadcast on a movie screen, no one would be tempted to say that they had given themselves, in a self-sacrificial sense, to Gospel ministry.”

Idolatry, Demons, and Ecumenism

Cripplegate has another good article on ecumenism. “Again, this is always done in the name of seizing influence, which, it is always assumed, is absolutely necessary for successful evangelism and for revival. It’s a fundamentally man-centered concept of salvation, because it supposes that unbelievers will be more likely to convert to Christianity if they see how popular, influential, and culturally relevant it is.”

On the Road with Augustine

This looks like a neat project. “Don’t be fooled by the distance of time and place: Augustine is our contemporary. I’ve sometimes said that Augustine was a Manhattanite 1,500 years before Manhattan existed.”

Flashback: Television’s Rape Epidemic

I have observed and something that has spelled the end of my interest in more than a few shows: Rape is in.

Most people who are angry with God are angry with him for being God.

—Paul David Tripp

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