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A La Carte (June 8)

Jennifer Knapp, Trey Pearson, and the Cross We Bear

Mike Leake writes about two musicians I’ve really enjoyed in the past. “I’m seeing more and more young people follow the path of Knapp and Pearson. It’s becoming quite the broad road. And this broad road isn’t labeled homosexuality. This broad road is labeled ‘accepting myself’. That is the foundational doctrine of this American heresy.”

A Poisonous Tree and Its Antidote

I’m sure there’s a sermon illustration here somewhere. “There are at least 11 species of plants and trees in Central America which are considered poisonous to the touch and can cause severe contact dermatitis, i.e., a horrible burning rash. There is only one, though, where the poison and the antidote grow side by side.”

Taking Back Christianese

Michael Kruger has kicked off a new series in which he’ll examine common Christian phrases and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. “We will do this by asking three questions: (1) Why do people use this phrase? (2) What is correct or helpful about this phrase? and (3) What is problematic about this phrase?”

A Letter to a Doctor

This is powerful: A proud mom writes a letter to the doctor who pressured her to abort her special needs child.

The Real Reason You Can’t Date Jesus

I love this: “The biggest problem with thinking of Jesus as your boyfriend is not that the image is too intimate. Actually, it is not intimate enough.”

This Day in 1941. 75 years ago today, C.S. Lewis preached his “The Weight of Glory” sermon. Justin Taylor provides an account here.

The Ten Pleasures

David Murray takes a shot at re-framing the ten commandments from 10 vices to avoid to 10 pleasures to pursue.

Earth From Above

These are amazing photographs. “In May, the International Space Station made its 100,000th orbit of the Earth, and reached nearly 16 years of continuous human occupancy. Expedition 47 began in March, and will be completed later this month. The astronauts have been conducting experiments and taking some amazing photographs during their tour in orbit.”

Flashback: Every Test and Every Temptation

Every test is an invitation to grow in your faith and draw closer to God; every temptation is an invitation to weaken your faith and push God away. You face that battle every day.


The best way of manifesting our affection to our friends is by praying and giving thanks for them.

—Matthew Henry

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