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A La Carte (March 14)

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of solid biographies and a couple of other books besides.

Westminster Books has some great ESV Bibles on sale this week.

(Yesterday on the blog: EPIC Vlog 04: Hobbiton (+ What I Want from the New LOTR Series))

What is a “Divided Tongue”

I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: I really enjoy Bill Mounce’s column on Bible translation conundrums.

Is Hospitality Your Mentality?

Jen Oshman writes, “Our house was always open. People were always in and out. Chunks of concrete from our tropical storm-ravaged roof were always falling. We were young. We had children and were adopting another. It was hot. Large bugs and even larger lizards lived right alongside us. Among those insects and reptiles, we were learning how to make disciples. It was chaos. It was sacred.”

Incredible Ants Build Bridges (Video)

“This fascinating footage shows the algorithms used by army ants to build bridges with their bodies.” Yes, bridges, sometimes even simply for the sake of taking a little shortcut.

Men, God’s Control, and Self-Control

“The writer of Proverbs asserts, ‘A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls’ (Prov 25:28). Paul points men to the example of athletes, ‘Every athlete exercises self-control in all things.’ He explains, ‘They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable’ (1 Cor 9:25). Biblical self-control is exercised in the pursuit of a higher goal. Self-control is never purposeless or merely self-referential.”

Why Dwight Moody Was Billy Graham’s Key Predecessor

Here’s an interesting taking on the similarities and differences between some of the major evangelists of days gone by.

The Power of Biblical Thinking

“Somewhat surprisingly, there has been a resurgence of interest in Norman Vincent Peale’s power of positive thinking in our day. … The idea that you have the ability to think and speak away everything undesirable seems to have made a renewed headway in our culture.”

The Comfort of a Moral Cretin

Derek Rishmawy writes about a “problem” with Calvinism. “One of Roger Olson’s main problems with Calvinism is the difficulty it presents when wrestling with the problem of evil. Along with several other arguments on the matter, he invokes what we might call the ‘Objection from Cretinous Comfort’ leveled by David Bentley Hart.”

Flashback: Suburban Sprawl and the Dying Dream of Community Churches

In suburbia, or North American suburbia at any rate, it seems the era of the community church is giving way to the era of the commuter church. It’s a new challenge, but one we can do well as we identify it and embrace it.

They, who do not pray to God while upon earth, will not be admitted to praise him in heaven.

—Richard Johnson

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