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A La Carte (March 15)


May the God of love and peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include the new study Bible editor by Al Moher.

(Yesterday on the blog: How Long Have You Been Battling?)

An Ecclesiological Take on “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”

“My goal here is not to review the series—what I liked, what I didn’t like—but to offer four lessons that I think are a little more timeless, and lessons that point to the worst inevitabilities of bad ecclesiology.”

Churches in Poland Stretch to Serve Ukrainians

I’m encouraged to read of the ways the very small Polish evangelical church is reaching out to Ukrainian refugees.

How Do I Know I’m Really Repentant?

Jared Wilson offers 12 signs of a genuinely repentant heart.

Learning from Translations

“There were times when I was working with the Kouya translation team that I felt rather embarrassed. You see, you can look at the front of the NIV, ESV or any of the other English language translations and see the names of the translation team. You’ll find professor this, doctor that and a whole host of highly respected and highly qualified people. Compared to them, the Kouya team was positively amateurish…”

The Absurdity of Selfishness and the Certainty of Death

This is worth thinking about. “Have you ever considered it, the absurdity of selfishness? Think about it. When our sole aim is to make much of ourselves and be made much of by others, death is the ultimate slap in the face. Death destroys everything we hold dear.”

Do you want to get well?

Here’s a different take on the story from the life of Jesus that I wrote about yesterday. “Can’t we assume that people want to get well? Could there be reasons they prefer not to be well?” Perhaps not always…

Flashback: Drowning in an Ocean of Encouragement

We should be hesitant with our rebukes but immediate with our praise, blurt out our words of commendation but sleep on our words of reprimand.

Some temptations come to the industrious, but all temptations attack the idle.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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