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A La Carte (March 18)


Today’s Kindle deals include several volumes in a biographical series from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Corporate Confession of Sin & Assurance of Pardon)

The Age of Terrorism Meets the Era of the Troll

Joe Carter reflects on the horror that unfolded in New Zealand. “The New Zealand shooter is an extreme example of an increasingly common disaffected person—mostly young men—whose worldview is shaped largely by an evil online culture. Here are six characteristics of these ‘trolls’.”

The Perfectionist’s Enemy: How It Paralyzes and Procrastinates

Jennifer Brogdon: “I lay on the couch like a mannequin. Perfectionism paralyzes my body, keeping me from walking across the room and meeting my enemy. I know what will happen. I’ll feel defeated before I try to fight. I must avoid it then, and play dead.”

Questions & Answers (Video)

You may enjoy this Q&A session from the recent Ligonier conference.

Peace is Not the Absence of Conflict

Here’s one for parents: “For Christians, our goal must be to know Christ in the middle of the conflict. Peace is the fruit of the presence of God’s Spirit. This means you can always know peace. We may never eliminate conflict but we can always know the peace that comes from knowing the God of peace.”

SBTS Madness combines Southern Seminary’s love of theology and college basketball. Throughout the NCAA tournament, Southern Seminary will give away hundreds of books written by its world-class faculty. Each of the 64 tournament teams are matched with a book from a Southern Seminary professor, and when a team wins a game, its corresponding book will be given away to one participant who has retweeted/commented on the #SBTSmadness tweet about the contest. The @SBTSAdmissions Twitter account will tweet one book giveaway for each tournament game. In addition, anyone can enter at for a chance to win the grand prize giveaway of over sixty books written by Southern faculty. Learn more about the giveaway and how to apply for free to Southern or Boyce College during SBTS Madness at

Killing Sin by the Spirit

Steve DeWitt writes about the nature of sin and how to put it to death.

Should I Start a Blog Or Write for Edited Websites?

“Are personal blogs dead? And are edited ministry websites like Desiring God or The Gospel Coalition the only way forward?” Wyatt Graham, who writes for both kinds of sites, offers some sound reflections.

God’s Glory May Be in the Scars

As I read this article, I could hear one of my daughters complaining about her appearance and the things about herself that make her self-conscious. I think I’ll have her read it…

Flashback: It Was Your Sin that Murdered Christ!

Sometimes it does us good to consider the sheer sinfulness of our sin. Sometimes it does us good to consider what our sin has cost.

The riches of His free grace cause me daily to triumph over all the temptations of the wicked one, who is very vigilant, and seeks all occasions to disturb me.

—George Whitefield

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